What's New

January 21, 2022

i-Beam Wireless Access Solutions [VIDEO]

Related ProductsiLock Blue // Electronic Rotary Latches // Electronic Slam Bolt // Electronic Cam Lock

Closed Captioning: Chaz and Hawk are wrapping up a great day on the hill. They are headed to their car to load up their gear. With all the equipment and the cold air do they need to fumble with a bunch of keys? Nope. They have ILC's iLock Blue System. They just unlock their car. The ILC iBeam tied into their driver-side door sends a signal to the ILC Blue Origin in their rooftop box. The box is unlocked. They can now open their rooftop box, mittens on, and throw in their gear. Packing up was as smooth as a groomer. They are headed back to the cabin.